Oklahoma Medical Research Study
What Is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
This type of disease typically affects the joints of the wrist, hands, and feet, but can affect other parts of the body too.
The most common symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis are bilateral, swollen and tender joints. The person may also experience loss of appetite, flu like symptoms, morning stiffness, as well as fatigue. In the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis, it can be very beneficial to the patient to be evaluated by a rheumatologist to see what treatment plans are available and best suited for a particular patient. The initiation of early treatment can prevent future joint damage and deformity.
The disorder of rheumatoid arthritis occurs when the layers of the membranes covering your joints are attacked by your immune system. This leads to the stiffening of synovium which can ultimately affect the bones inside joints. This deforms the joints’ shape as the ligaments become weak and can change shape.
The most common and preferred treatment of RA are the disease modifying drugs (both conventional and biologic). With proper treatment, patients will have reduced pain and inflammation, preventing damage to the joints. Patients not only benefit from treatment with medication but also exercise and dietary changes. In recent years, treatment options have advanced tremendously and often patients even see their disease symptoms in complete remission.